VOD Journal-Volume 5 (2010)
Theodore Roosevelt: “Address of President Roosevelt at the Laying of the Corner Stone of the Office Building of the House of Representatives Saturday, April 14, 1906 (The Man with the Muck-Rake)” (14 April 1906)
Amy L. Heyse, California State University-Long Beach
pp. 1-17
John Lewis: “Speech at the March on Washington” (28 August 1963)
Garth Pauley, Calvin College
pp. 18-36
William Jennings Bryan: “Imperialism” (8 August 1900)
Elizabeth Gardner, University of Maryland
pp. 37-56
Theodore Roosevelt: “Free Silver, Trusts, and the Philippines” (7 September 1900)
Una Kimokeo-Goes, Willamette University
pp. 57-71
Gerald R. Ford: “Remarks on Signing a Proclamation Granting Pardon to Richard Nixon” (8 September 1974)
Bonnie J. Sierlecki, The Pennsylvania State University
pp. 72-88
Theodore Roosevelt: “Conservation as a National Duty” (13 May 1908)
Jessica Sheffield, The University of South Carolina-Extended University
pp. 89-108