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Audio-Visual Materials
Burns, Ken. “Not For Ourselves Alone: The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony.” Warner Home Video, 1999. Video Recording.
Debbie Elliott. “Remembering Susan B. Anthony’s Pioneering Vote.” All Things Considered,, posted 7 January 2007.
On-Line Resources
Banks, Kimberly J., and Ann Pfau. “Women Who Went to the Polls.” Stanton and Anthony Papers Project Online,, posted 12 July 2001.
Gordon, Ann D. “The Trial of Susan B. Anthony.”$file/SusanBAnthony.pdf, posted 2005.
Elliott, Debbie. “Remembering Susan B. Anthony’s Pioneering Vote.” All Things Considered,, posted 7January 2007.
“Remarks by Susan B. Anthony in the Circuit Court of the United States for the Northern District of New York.” Ann D. Gordon, ed. The Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony Papers Project,, posted August 2006.
Last updated March 21, 2016