“”A New America,” Acceptance Address at the Democratic National Convention,” a machine-readable edition
Stevenson, Adlai E. (1900-1965)
edited by
Timothy Barney, editor
Voices of Democracy
Voices of Democracy: The U. S. Oratory Project
2130 Skinner Building,
University of Maryland,
College Park, MD 21774
Brief notes on the text are included in the editorial
declaration of this header.
Stevenson, Adlai. “Acceptance Address at the 1956 Democratic National Convention.”
Democratic National Convention. NBC Radio Collection, Broadcast August 17, 1956. Library of Congress RWC 6647 A1-B1, sound reel. [=A]
Stevenson, Adlai. “Address of the Honorable Adlai E. Stevenson Accepting the Nomination for
the Presidency of the United States.” Official Proceedings of the Democratic National Convention 1956. Democratic National Committee (Richmond, VA: Beacon Press, Inc, 1956), 504-11. [=B]
The copy-text is Stevenson 1956 (=A), an audiotape representation of the delivered speech. This selection was based on the plausible efficacy of the delivered speech before the Democratic National Convention and the large number of listeners and viewers of the speech both on live radio and television and subsequently in various venues.
Stevenson 1956 (=B) is followed for paragraphing, spelling, and punctuation. Paragraph numbers have been added in square brackets.
Non-grammatical forms have been changed and noted to reflect standard grammatical forms of language as reflected in (B).
The text of this edition has been thoroughly checked and proofread. The text does not depart from the copy-text or general editorial principles.
All double quotation marks are rendered with “, all single quotation marks with
The applause lines have been removed for ease of reading. The times when the audience replied in unison to questions posed by the speaker have been inserted in the copy text.
This copy text is not subject to end-of-line hyphenation.
Standard date values are given in ISO form: yyyy-mm-dd.
Characteristics of interpretation of this edition are as follows:
Proper names are not marked.
Dates are not marked.
Emphasis is marked without interpretation.
The following are the textual notes provided by the editor. The location of these notes are indicated by paragraph number and the preceding few words.
1 Mr. Chairman B: Mr. Chairman, Mr. Chairman A
8 so movingly B: so movingly movingly A
10 has known for a generation B: has known for a generation for a generation A
20 I mean B: I mean, I mean A
22 These are the B: These, these are the A
30 The men who run B: The men who, the men who run A
31 We Democrats B: But, but we Democrats A
32 But let us ask the B: Let us, let us however ask the A
42 30 million Americans live today in B: 30 million Americans live today, 30 million live today in A
46 The truth is not B: The truth is that, the truth is not A
47 good enough. Our country is stalled B: good enough and the country is, our country is stalled A
53 the old, terrible B: the old, the terrible A
56 With leadership B: With, with leadership A
57 where the doors B: when the doors, where the doors of A
57 We can make this a B: We can make this, we can make this a A
59 in barely B: in a, in barely A
60 servitude along B: servitude and along A
63 aspirations so diminish B: aspirations so this diminish A
66 If B: If, if A
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Library of Congress Classification
17 August 1956
Chicago, Illinois
Democratic National Convention
Political Conventions, Democratic National Conventions
VOD Associate Editor
Gaines, Robert N.
Created TEI header and xml conformant file. Validated on 25 March 2006 in XMetal 3.1.3 against teixlite.dtd (version 2004-07-16)
Barney, Timothy
data entry and proof-reading of electronic copy-text
Barney, Timothy
collated electronic copy-text with other versions
Barney, Timothy
editing of electronic text and proof-reading of edited electronic text