Authentication Materials:
- Speech Title exactly as it to be printed: “Free Speech and the Right of Congress to Declare the Objects of the War.”
- Exact Date and Place of Speech Delivery: 6 October 1917. At United States Senate Chamber, Washington, D.C.
- Complete Name of Speaker, with year of birth and year of death: Robert Marion La Follette, Sr. (1855-1925).
- Complete name of editor or compiler of electronic text, with indication of role: Amy L. Heyse, compiler and editor.
- Date of electronic edition: 2017.
- Languages: English (100%).
- Library of Congress Subject Headings: Political science–Political theory–Purpose, functions, and relations of the state; Library of Congress Classification: JC591
- Indication of editing functions performed: Amy L. Heyse, transcribed version A from microfilm version to typewritten version, July 24-26, 2015; Amy L. Heyse, edited electronic text, March 29, 2017; Amy L. Heyse, proofread edited electronic text, April 27, 2017.
Bibliographic List of Sources:
La Follette, Sr., Robert M. “Free Speech and the Right of Congress to Declare the Objects of the War. Speech of Hon. Robert M. La Follette of Wisconsin in the Senate of the United States. Saturday, October 6, 1917.” Washington, DC. Government Printing Office, 1917. [=A]
Statement of Editorial Procedures:
The copy-text is La Follette 1917 [=A], a government reprinting of the final speech. This selection was made based on the plausible efficacy of the United States government in reprinting La Follette’s exact wording of the speech.
All paragraphing, capitalization, spelling, use of italics, use of quotation marks (or lack thereof), and hyphenation of words (or lack thereof) are consistent with the copy-text.
Paragraph numbers have been added in square brackets.
Indications of any normalization of the text are addressed in the notes below.
The text of this edition has been thoroughly checked and proofread.
All double quotation marks are rendered with “, all single quotation marks with apostrophe ‘.
This copy text is not subject to end-of-line hyphenation.
Special characters and characters with diachronic marks: none.
Departures from the copy-text and general editorial procedures: none.