“Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Speech before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations,” a machine-readable edition
Kerry, John Forbes (1943– )
edited by
Shawn J. Parry-Giles
Research Assistant
Carolyn Mech
Research Assistant
Rachael Brown
Voices of Democracy
Voices of Democracy: The U. S. Oratory Project
2130 Skinner Building,
University of Maryland,
College Park, MD 21774
Brief notes on the text are included in the editorial
declaration of this header.
Kerry, John F. “Statement of John Kerry, Vietnam Veterans Against the War.” New York: Encyclopedia Americana/CBS News Audio Resource Library, 1971. Audio Tape. [=A]
Kerry, John F. 1971. “Statement of John Kerry, Vietnam Veterans Against the War.” In Legislative Proposals Relating to the War in Southeast Asia. United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, 92d Congress, lst sess., April 22, 1971. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office. 180-185. [=B]
The copy-text is Kerry 1971 (=A), an audiotape representation of the delivered speech. This selection was based on the plausible efficacy of the delivered speech before the U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the large number of viewers of the speech both on live television and radio and subsequently in various venues.
Kerry 1971 (=B) is followed for paragraphing, spelling, and punctuation.
Paragraph numbers have been added in square brackets.
Non-grammatical forms have been changed and noted to reflect standard grammatical forms of language as reflected in (B).
All double quotation marks are rendered with “, all single quotation marks with
This copy-text is not subject to end-of-line hyphenation.
Standard date values are given in ISO form: yyyy-mm-dd.
Characteristics of interpretation of this edition are as follows:
Proper names are not marked.
Dates are not marked.
Emphasis is marked without interpretation.
Departures from the copy-text and general editorial procedures are as follows (reference numbers specify paragraph in which the departure occurs):
1 I would like to talk, representing all those veterans, and say that B: blank tape A
4 Thomas Paine B: Thomas Paine’s A
6 result is of the feelings B: result is of of the feelings A
9 Veterans’ Administration B: Veterans’ Administration’s A
11 not going to try B: not gonna try A
14 money B: monies A
17 North Vietnamese because B: North Vietnamese because because A
24 learned B: learnt A
25 going to B: gonna A
29 indignations B: indignancies A
29 lain down B: lied, lain down A
36 in the B: in the, in the, in the A
36 more guilty than B: more guilty of than A
38 We are also here to ask, and we are here to ask B: We’re also here to ask, we’re here to ask and we’re here to ask A
41 more, and so when, B: more, and more, and so when, A
Library of Congress Subject Headings
Library of Congress Classification
22 April 1971
U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations
Washington, D.C.
Vietnam War
Vietnam War–1961-1975–United States–Public Opinion
VOD Associate Editor
Gaines, Robert N.
Created TEI header and xml conformant file. Validated on 25 March 2006 in XMetal 3.1.3 against teixlite.dtd (version 2004-07-16)
Parry-Giles, Shawn J.
created critical notes
Parry-Giles, Shawn J.
proof-reading of electronic text
research assistants
Carolyn Mech and Rachael Brown
data entry and proof-reading of electronic copy-text
research assistants
Carolyn Mech and Rachael Brown
collation of electronic copy-text with other versions