
Augustine. The Confessions of St. Augustine. Translated by John Kenneth Ryan. Garden City, NY: Image Books, 1960.

Brooks, Peter. “The Overborne Will.” Representations 64 (1998): 1-20.

Brooks, Peter. Troubling Confessions: Speaking Guilt in Law and Literature. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2000.

Harrell, Jackson, and Wil A Linkugel. “On Rhetorical Genre: An Organizing Perspective.” Philosophy and Rhetoric 11 (1978): 262-281.

Hartle, Ann. The Modern Self in Rousseau’s Confessions: A Reply to St. Augustine. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 1983.

Honey, Maureen. “The Confessional Formula and Fantasies of Empowerment.” Women’s Studies 10 (1984): 303-320.

McGreevey, James. The Confession. Los Angeles, CA: Regan Books, 2006.

Mandziuk, Roseann M. “Confessional Discourse and Modern Desires: Power and Please in True Story Magazine.” Critical Studies in Media Communication 18, (2001): 174-193.

Sedgwick, Eve Kosofsky. Epistemology of the Closet. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990.

Troup, Calvin L. Temporality, Eternity, and Wisdom: The Rhetoric of Augustine’s Confessions. Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 1999.

Audio-Visual Materials

“Book Discussion on The Confession,” Interview by Andrew Solomon, C-SPAN, http://www.c-span.org/video/?195265-1/book-discussion-confession.

Buxton, Amity.  “Dina’s Despair.”  By Brian Lehrer, The Brian Lehrer Show, WNYC (August 27, 2004), RealAudio, http://www.wqxr.org/#!/story/21218-dinas-despair/.

On-Line Resources

Isikoff, Michael, and Evan Thomas. “An Affair to Regret,” Newsweek, August 23, 2004, http://connection.ebscohost.com/c/articles/14154977/affair-regret.

McGreevey, James.  “Former N.J. Gov. James McGreevey Breaks His Silence.”  By Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes, Hannity & Colmes, FOX News (September 21, 2006), http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,214995,00.html.

McGreevey, James.  “LKL: James McGreevey.” By Larry King, Larry King Live, CNN, (September 22, 2006).  Transcript, http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0609/21/lkl.01.html.

McGreevey, James. “The Making of a Gay American.” New York Magazine, http://nymag.com/news/politics/21340/.

McGreevey, James. “Duty Trumps Personal Issues.” Editorial, USA Today, August 16, 2004, http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/news/opinion/editorials/2004-08-16-opposing-view_x.htm.

Rothstein, Richard. “Is James McGreevey’s The Confession Good for the Gays?” Blogcritics Magazine, September 16, 2006, https://blogcritics.org/is-james-mcgreeveys-the-confession-good/.

Last updated May 6, 2016