Bibliographic List of Sources:
Hamer, Fannie Lou. “N77: Indianola, Miss. Summer 1964,” Moses Moon Archives, Smithsonian, Washington, DC. Audio Tape. [=A]
Hamer, Fannie Lou, “We’re On Our Way,” in Maegan Parker Brooks and Davis W. Houck, ed. The Speeches of Fannie Lou Hamer: To Tell It Like It Is. Jackson, MS: University Press of Mississippi, 2011, 47-56. [=B]
The copy-text is Hamer 1964 [=A], an audiotape representation of the delivered speech. Hamer 1964/2011 [=B] is followed for paragraphing, spelling, and punctuation.
This selection was based on the plausible efficacy of the delivered speech at the Negro Baptist School in Indianola, Mississippi. Paragraph numbers have been added in square brackets. The text of this edition has been thoroughly checked and proofread.
All double quotation marks are rendered with “, all single quotation marks with apostrophe ‘. This copy text is not subject to end-of-line hyphenation.
1. Speech Title as it is to be printed: We’re On Our Way, Speech Before a Mass Meeting Held at the Negro Baptist School in Indianola, Mississippi.
2. Exact Date and Place of Speech Delivery: September 1964, Speech Before a Mass Meeting Held at the Negro Baptist School in Indianola, Mississippi.
3. Complete Name of Speaker, with year and birth and year of death: FANNIE LOU HAMER (1917-1977)
4. Complete name of editor or compiler of electronic text, with indication of role: Davis W. Houck (editor, transcriber) and Maegan Parker Brooks (editor, transcriber).
5. Date of Electronic edition: 2011.
6. Languages: English (100%)
7. Library of Congress Subject Heading: E185.97
8. Indication of editing functions performed (e.g., data entry, proof-reading), by whom (complete name), and when performed (complete [inclusive] dates[s]): We have transcribed the full form of the words Hamer spoke—deciding not to try representing her vernacular speech phonetically (in the case of dropped “g’s” in gerunds like “running”). We have, however, done our best to translate the grammatical, syntactical, and stylistic components of Hamer’s spoken word to the written page. Davis W. Houck and Maegan Parker Brooks transcription from audiorecording and proofreading of electronic text, 21-24 June 2009.
Davis W. Houck (editor/transcriber) and Maegan Parker Brooks (editor/transcriber) 2011. English 100%. The copy-text is Hamer 1964, an audiotape representation of the delivered speech. This selection was based on the plausible efficacy of the delivered speech at the Negro Baptist School in Indianola, Mississippi. We have transcribed the full form of the words Hamer spoke—deciding not to try representing her vernacular speech phonetically (in the case of dropped “g’s” in gerunds like “running”). We have, however, done our best to translate the grammatical, syntactical, and stylistic components of Hamer’s spoken word to the written page. Paragraph numbers have been added in square brackets. The text of this edition has been thoroughly checked and proofread. Davis W. Houck and Maegan Parker Brooks transcription from audiorecording and proofreading of electronic text, 21-24 June 2009.