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Audio-Visual Materials
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Davenport, Joseph Delbert. M.F.D.P. Tallahassee, FL: Manship Films, 2010.
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On-Line Resources
The Mississippi Sovereignty Commission. Mississippi Department of Archives and History,
Fannie Lou Hamer, Oral History, University of Southern Mississippi,
Fannie Lou Hamer, Testimony before the Democratic National Convention Credentials Committee, August 22, 1964, Atlantic City, New Jersey,
Fannie Lou Hamer, Speech at a Vietnam War Moratorium Rally in Berkeley, California, 1965[sic]* and
Repaying Our Ancestors Respectfully, Fannie Lou Hamer Website,
*This speech is mis-cited by Pacifica Archives. It was given in 1969. For correct date and transcription, see: Parker Brooks, Maegan, and Davis W. Houck, ed. The Speeches of Fannie Lou Hamer: To Tell It Like It Is. Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2011.
Last updated May 4, 2016