Authentication Materials:

  1. Speech title as it is to be printed: “First Inaugural Address.”
  2. Exact date and place speech was delivered: 4 March 1801. Washington, D.C.
  3. Full name of speaker, with year of birth and year of death: Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826).
  4. Full name of editor or compiler of electronic text: Stephen Howard Browne.
  5. Date of electronic edition: Summer 2023.
  6. Languages: English (100%).
  7. Library of Congress Classification: 2010367706.
  8. Indication of editorial functions performed: Stephen Howard Browne, data-entry and collation of electronic text with other versions.

Bibliographic List of Sources:

Jefferson, Thomas. “Speech of Thomas Jefferson, President of the United States, Delivered at his Instalment, March 4, 1801, at the City of Washington.” Library of Congress, Rare Book and Special Collections Division. Philadelphia, PA: Mathew Carey, 1801.,0.43,0.47,0.282,0. [=A]

Browne, Stephen Howard. Jefferson’s Call for Nationhood: The First Inaugural Address. College Station, TX: Texas A&M University Press, 2003, xiii-xvii. [=B]

Statement of Editorial Procedures:

The speech text reflects the version housed in Library of Congress referenced above [=A]. The Library of Congress version was amended to follow the spelling, grammar, punctuation, and capitalization of Jefferson’s Inaugural Address printed in Jefferson’s Call for Nationhood [=B].

Paragraph structure was retained from [=B] and paragraph numbers were added in brackets.

The text of this edition has been thoroughly checked and proofread.

This copy text is not subject to end-of-line hyphenation.

Special characters and characters with diachronic marks: none.

No additional departures from the copy-text.