Authentication Materials:
- Speech Title exactly as it to be printed: “Women and the Fate of the Earth.”
- Exact Date and Place of Speech Delivery: 17 March 1990. World Women’s Congress for a Healthy Planet, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
- Complete Name of Speaker, with year of birth and year of death: Bella Abzug (1920-1998).
- Complete name of editor or compiler of electronic text, with indication of role: Skye de Saint Felix, compiler and editor.
- Date of electronic edition: 2020.
- Languages: English (100%).
- Indication of editing functions performed: Skye de Saint Felix, transcribed electronic version of the speech from a journal article of Woman in Power from the University of Maryland interlibrary loan service. She edited and proofread the electronic text in August of 2020.
Bibliographic List of Sources:
Bella Abzug, “Women and the Fate of the Earth,” Woman of Power 20 (1991): 26-30.
Statement of Editorial Procedures:
The entire text of this speech was published in this issue of Woman of Power, which I obtained through interlibrary loan at the University of Maryland in College Park, MD. To the best of my knowledge, this manuscript, found in the now discontinued journal, is the only copy of this speech available.
I could find no audio or video recordings. The speech was mentioned in the footnotes of a few books published in the early 1990s, but the interlibrary loan copy of Woman of Power was the only full transcript I located.
Paragraph numbers have been added in square brackets.
Footnotes on the typewritten manuscript have been excluded.
The text of this edition has been thoroughly checked and proofread.
All double quotation marks are rendered with “, all single quotation marks with apostrophe ‘.
This copy text is not subject to end-of-line hyphenation.
Special characters and characters with diachronic marks: none.
Aside from three instances that have been slightly altered for clarity, all paragraphing, capitalization, spelling, use of italics, use of quotation marks (or lack thereof), and hyphenation of words (or lack thereof) are consistent with the copy-text.
The departures from the copy-text and general editorial procedures are as follows. Numbers indicate the paragraph where the change occurred.
12 “Comission” became “Commission”
13 “[both of which are printed with this article]” was omitted
16 “NGO’s” became “NGOs”