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Audio-Visual Materials
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On-Line Resources
“Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress.” November 27, 1963. The American Presidency Project,
“Address to Congress following Kennedy’s Assassination.” American Experience: Lyndon Baines Johnson. November 27, 1963.,
“American President: An Online Reference Source: Lyndon Baines Johnson (1908-1973).” Miller Center of Public Affairs,
“American Presidents: Life Portraits: Lyndon Baines Johnson.”,
Johnson, Lyndon. B. 2008. “Address to Joint Session of Congress (November 27, 1963).” The American Presidency Project.
“LBJ–All the Way.” Time Magazine. April 14, 1964.,9171,872238,00.html.
“Let Us Continue: Speech by US President Lyndon Baines Johnson: 27 November 1963.” Available from: Texas Archive of the Moving Image.
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library. “Horace Busby- Oral History,”
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library. “Selected Speeches and Messages by Lyndon Baines Johnson,”
Lyndon Baines Johnson Library. “The President’s Daily Diary 1963: Selected Days (Nov.22, 1963- Nov. 30, 1963),”
“Papers of Lyndon Johnson.” The American Presidency Project,