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Audio-Visual Materials
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On-Line Resources
“American Indian Bibliographic Sources.” American Indian Studies Center of the University of California Los Angeles,
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. Official website,
Crazy Horse Monument. Official website,
“Guide to the Great Sioux Nation.” South Dakota Office of Tourism,
Kappler, Charles J. “Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties Archive,” Oklahoma State University Law Library,
Museum of Wounded Knee. Official website,
National Congress of American Indians, Official website,
National Museum of the American Indian, Official website,
“Native American Legends: The Ghost Dance.” Legends of America,
“Native American Records.” Archival Research Catalog (ARC), National Archives and Records Administration-College Park, Maryland,
Native American Rights Fund. Official website,
Oglala Sioux Tribe. Official website,
Pine Ridge Sioux Reservation. Official website,
“Plains Indian Timeline.” Independent Television Service/PBS,
“Photo: Kicking Bear, the Miniconjou Lakota.” PBS,
“Resources for Indigenous Cultures Around the World.” Native Web,
Rosebud Sioux. Official website,
Spirit Lake Nation. Official website,
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. Official website,
Last updated March 24, 2016