Warren G. Harding, “Address of the President of the United States at the Celebration of the Semicentennial of the Founding of the City of Birmingham, Alabama” (26 October 1921)
Speech Text
Parry-Giles/Lawson Interpretive Essay [PDF]
John F. Kennedy, “A Report to the American People On Civil Rights,” (11 June 1963)
Speech Text
Pauley Interpretive Essay [PDF]
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “How Long? Not Long” (25 March 1965)
Speech Text
Emanuel Interpretive Essay [PDF]
Bob Moses, “Speech at Stanford University,” (24 April 1964)
Speech Text
Delp, LeFlouria, and Houck Interpretive Essay…
Harry S. Truman, “Address Before the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People” (29 June 1947)
Speech Text
Prasch Interpretive Essay [PDF]